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Letzte Buchung:

Termin ab 17.06.2024 | Autocamping Tajov
1x place with electricity, 2 persons + 2 children

Termin ab 18.05.2024 | Autocamping Trenčín na Ostrove
1x Stellplatz für WOMO für 2 Petrsonen

Termin ab 10.05.2024 | Camping Pullmann Piešťany
1x obytna dodavka, bez elektřiny, 2 dospělé osoby

Termin ab 06.06.2024 | Autocamping Varín

Termin ab 2024-05-23 | Autokemp Rudava Malé Leváre
2 Stellplätze ; 1x Wohnmobil und 1x Wohnanhänger mit Pkw - 4 Erwachsene

Termin ab 09.05.2024 | Autocamping Vrbov Termal Park

Termin ab 2024-07-24 | Autocamping Varín
1 Zelt für 1 erw Person

Termin ab 2024-07-25 | Autokemping Tilia Gäceľ
1 Zelt für 1 erw Person

Termin ab 17.05.2024 | Autocamping Podlesok
1 place for 1 tent (2 persons) + 1 car

Bewertungen und Diskussion

Autocamp Čingov Ďurkovec, Spišská Nová Ves

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Autocamp Čingov Ďurkovec

Bezirk: Spišská Nová Ves
08. 07. 2019
Von: Darcy

This place is still looking abandoned. I guess the 2018 launch for the renovated area didn't quite happen! A shame as it is such a nice area. It's now a run down eye sore. What happened?

Autocamp Čingov Ďurkovec

Bezirk: Spišská Nová Ves
23. 08. 2014
Von: disappointed hiker

We were not able to find anything working there. The reception has not been in use for a long time. There was nobody in charge at the side. You can probably pitch a tent if you don\'t need any facilities, and nobody will care, but that\'s it. The place is absolutely dead.

Autocamp Čingov Ďurkovec

Bezirk: Spišská Nová Ves
23. 07. 2011
Von: Majki

Kemping je ZRUŠENÝ!!