Baths Byšta are now the resort of summer recreation. There is a thermal bath with swimming pool and pool for children. Not far from the bath, a po..
Car-camping, which is located in a beautiful area in a recreational site Sninské Rybníky at the foot of mountain range Vihorlat in the east of Slo..
The site is located in south-easter part of Domaša and is well-known by regular summer events. It is best-accessible by taking the road from Vrano..
The place lies in an isolated creek in south-eastern part of the dam. It has the warmest water in the whole Domaša. The camp in Dobrá is probably ..
Nadherny kemp v srdci slovenskeho Tokaja o rozlohe 14 000m2. Zazemie kempu situovane v 700 rocnej budove. V kempe sa nachadza aj les s miestami na..
Camp Rybárik is located in easter SLovakia near the "Slovak sea", dam Zemplínska Šírava. Apart from swimming, you can also do hiking in beautifu..